Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sports Festival

I haven't updated my blog in nearly a year and a half, but some things are just too amazing to convey over facebook. And I want to write about them here before I forget them.

Today was my all-boy's school Sports Festival (Tai-iku-sai in Japanese!) I visit this school once a week, and I was really happy when they formally asked me to attend Sports Day on the first Saturday in September. For weekend events like these, the teachers and students will get a weekday off in exchange, but since I have 5 schools, I often attend these events without any compensation. Which isn't a problem, because the students being so happy to see me supporting them is compensation enough. :)

But this time! I received a day off in exchange for attending...
And not only did I attend.
But I participated.

There's a popular event called 借り物競争 or "Borrowing Race". To be honest, I have no idea why it's called this because it has nothing to do with the event. Students select a member of the audience (teachers, parents, friends) and read a task they have chosen to perform with that teacher.

I was told I might be participating, and the task might be "Have a conversation in English with Christina-sensei."

Fast-forward to before the event, when I am told that a senior has chosen me as his partner, and his self-appointed task is to carry me in his arms across the finish line.

I wish I could show you what my face looked like.

The next option was a piggy-back ride.

What we agreed on was to hold hands while running the 50 meters to the finish line.

Other pairs did things like three-legged-races, riding toddler-sized tricycles, and leap-frogging all the way to the finish line.

In my next post, I'll tell you about all the ridiculous "sports" that the students did at Sports Day. Half of these would be met with a lawsuit in America before someone even suggested doing them!